By Ted Morton and Meredith McDonald
Former Alberta premier Peter Lougheed is celebrated for his defence of the province during the 1970s, and deservedly so. Then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was a formidable opponent who used the full arsenal of federal powers to redirect soaring energy revenues away from Alberta to Ottawa.
It is unpleasant to imagine what the outcome of this struggle would have been if a lesser man than Lougheed had been at Alberta’s helm.
But there is another aspect of the Lougheed legacy that is less remembered, because it is less celebrated — also deservedly so. These were Lougheed’s ambitious economic diversification projects. Between 1973 and 1993, forced-growth “economic diversification” projects are conservatively estimated to have cost Albertans $2.2 billion in losses.
While former premier Don Getty got most of the blame for these losses, most of these programs began earlier. Lougheed’s push for government-led diversification of the Alberta economy was a policy hallmark of his 1971 electoral breakthrough, and marked a sharp break from three decades of Social Credit laissez-faire policies.
Cellphones, airlines, recreational products, bottled water, air conditioners, ammunition, clothing, golf courses, food: there was neither a logic nor a limit to the industries that the Alberta government was ready to back. Their legacy of financial losses was an important contributor to the $23 billion in net debt that Alberta had racked up by the time Ralph Klein became premier in 1993, and one of the primary reasons he was elected.
However, Klein’s successor, Ed Stelmach, committed the province to cover the costs of the North West Redwater Partnership upgrader, costs that have more than doubled from $4 billion to $8.5 billion. Already, it seems, the province has forgotten the lessons learned from the Lloydminster Bi-Provincial Upgrader, a joint venture struck by the Getty government with Husky Oil, which cost the province hundreds of millions of dollars in overruns and investment losses.
Just last year, then-Premier Alison Redford and her finance minister, Doug Horner, proudly introduced and passed Bill 1, The Savings Management Act. Bill 1 set aside $2 billion in public funds to “provide government with the financial resources to take advantage of new opportunities, yet to be determined, that may require a large, one-time investment from the province.”
Far from being a “savings act,” Bill 1 was actually a spending act, and one that would have taken us down the same failed path of government-forced diversification of the Lougheed-Getty era. Fortunately, one of the first decisions of Jim Prentice’s “new” PC government was to repeal Bill 1.
Not every investment during the Lougheed-Getty era was a failure. There were qualified successes in their investments in two oil companies (Syncrude and Alberta Energy Co.), a coal company (Luscar Ltd.) and support for the ethane-based petrochemical industry.
As a general rule, however, the government’s successful investments built on Alberta’s existing competitive advantage of our large hydrocarbon reserves and the expertise that Alberta companies had developed through the exploitation of these resources. In other words, the “successes” did little to diversify the province’s economy. Almost all other government-led forced diversification projects ended in failure for the simple reason that, if there had been a viable economic case to be made for these new ventures, private-sector entrepreneurs would have done them.
The Klein government realized that the best way to provide economic growth was to create a macro-environment — through competitive taxes and electricity rates, worker training, and infrastructure investment — that would give entrepreneurs from all sectors an improved chance at success.
The Prentice government is off to a good start. Redford, Horner and Bill 1 are all gone. But Edmonton is again abuzz with the seductive narrative that government-led diversification is the key to ending Alberta’s boom-bust fiscal roller-coaster. Albertans have heard this siren song before, and should ignore it.
Ted Morton is a senior fellow at the School of Public Policy and the Manning Foundation, and a former Alberta minister of finance and energy.
Meredith McDonald is a Calgary-based researcher and writer.
The full version of The Siren Song of Economic Diversification: Alberta’s Legacy of Loss, is available at